A Q U A T I C ~ G A L E S | Ltd. | Tony Cashman

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TCCOTT & The Awkward as all Heck Wisdom of Truth Bullying

What IS truth bullying?

My dear friend from years back thought he knew what it was and meant to deal with it accordingly. But bless his good intentioned heart, not even he was perfect, right?

I feel like the more intelligent we become, the harder it is to convince others we have a moral compass we intend to use. That is how people who are trying to do the right thing - from ALL walks of life - get thrown under the bus unintentionally.

There are several cult mentalities I myself perceive in cult-URE

-Mind Your Own Business culture

-Sexual Allegations culture

-Clear & Concise culture

-Punishment for Taking the Initiative culture

-Sweetheart Rural v. Intellectual Urban culture

& the list goes on.

Honestly, not even quality content is a cult. Nor is having a complicated life story.

When I tried writing The Christopher Columbus of Time Travel the first time? OH heck naw, i did NOT know it was going to be good. And the shadow work reigned supreme on every single novella length page. ITS FIRST DRAFT IS LIQUID GOLD.

BUT. I know better than to throw because of other’s expectations of me to do better in life. So i remain loyal to them. At least as best as i can possibly!

Best of luck to you guys, i leave more blank space for critical thinking.

My livestream permissions came back since my YT temp ban, and i expect to use the next 90 days to do semen retention (or at least nofap) & pursue content creations of-the-utmost-quality-kind-yowza so i can workout a routine on TCCOTT.

Angus Wilde sculpture practice first. Then Lisk & Andromeda!

~Love Tony Cartoonist, owner & founder of M.W. a.k.a. A.G. Ltd