Class of Insightful Learning
A 26-count letter lessons filled semester full of the most insightful critical thinking skills being taught that you’ve ever known. Everyone is insightful, but not necessarily everyone learns to trust that beauty.
Lesson Letters A, B, C, D, E & F
The first six lessons out of 26 to immediately introduce the Class of Insightful Learning master class series on the Mighty Wiry LLC site.
Lesson Letters G, H, I, J & K
The next set of lesson letters, five this time around, to further proceed with C.O.I.L. as a free (for now :) ) masterclass on M.W. LLC.
Lesson Letters L, M & N
An even shorter lingo than before for C.O.I.L.’s master class, featuring only three letters of the 26’s alphabet to quicken the lesson feature.
Lesson Letter O-only
Using only a single letter of the 26 letter alphabet to resemble this feature’s only lesson, it packs a punch worthy of reckoning in C.O.I.L.
Lesson Letter P-only
Yet another letter-only chapter feature for C.O.I.L.’s journey thus far, even the curator is getting a run for his own money this masterclass.
Lesson Letter Q-only
One more letter-only chapter feature for the time being (although we ARE close to the end… :/), a casual, clean-cut approach to C.O.I.L.
Lesson Letters R & S
The next pair of letter lessons in C.O.I.L.’s masterclass for Mighty Wiry LLC, they combine every so often to help illustrate the value of trusting what one knows… while being favoring of new adventures.
Lesson Letter T-only
An early morning episode of C.O.I.L. where the curator makes one heck of a bold ordeal: making sacrifices while still being themselves.
Lesson Letter U-only
In this next letter-only episode of C.O.I.L. featured in the Mighty Wiry LLC free masterclass/online course, the curator suggests strongly to smell the roses in addition to climbing the mountain all in one go!
Lesson Letter V-only
The next lesson in M.W. LLC’s Class of Insightful Learning is one dedicated to the trust in how we always not only get what we ask for in life (positive context!), but MORE than that in the grand scheme…
Lesson Letters W & X
This chapter? This is the one. Even better than O-only, not just because of the words-cannot-describe sunlight… just… just watch it. Class of Insightful Learning frankly felt like a wonder dream entirely.
Lesson Letter Y-only
The not-so-much penultimate class of insightful learning letter lesson episode! i dont remember what i put into this clip, heck better yet i dont need to remember! it’s all good. we’re all in this together!!!!
Lesson Letter Z-only
The only time you lose is when you give up, and we all know success may very well always arrive right when we really want to. so… always remember that the best thing is an ideal, the right thing is a promise.
(Side A) Re-C.O.I.L. ("Project Firecracker")
“What you learn is what you earn”. The truer wisest wordiness of our very own sincere advocate for insightful learning, as we come to a close on this fated dared to be master class. This has been fun, guys.
(Side B) Paralysis Demon vs. Stretched Insight! ("Project Firecracker")
“Deserve only your complexion; everything else has to come”. It has been my humblest and honest honor to teach this once-free master class these past few months every five minutes per lesson. Godspeed, to the best/collective of your generations. I love you ALL!