Multifaceted goals & routines for my lifestyle!
Carpentry - cutting wood is one of my favorite trades even without woodcutting experience and i realize it will help out with ranching too. Carpentry particularly for building a passion philosophy rather than directly needing this skill for something specific although i might get away with building cool structures and making repairs when the time comes for that too ha
Claymation - have you seen my previous films? MW will incorporate more of that talent soon enough but for now i just ought to practice more of it and even give creativity my utmost trust, not just as an industry but even after my traumas that helped me ultimately grow and evolve, with or without stopmotion
Spiritual wisdom - DUNNO if squarespace has a policy regarding bringing up this stuff but use your imagination and feel free to look into my provided content IE YouTube channel videos for reference! Its been a blast trying out these manifestation techniques as well as being more positive due to reprogramming my brain to get what it is i want
And last but not least, projects like powerapps from Microsoft as well as sprinting for the Olympic games and pursuing a bit of human resources clergy work on the side i suppose! All of which definitely makes me multitasking and dependable if not interesting indeed! OH and DONT forget that i love to travel and socialize altogether, not just train philosophy muscles or even physical muscles on the daily😎
I hope that cleared out a few things for now, both for Mighty's future and for the future of my own life as i am continuing growth and evolution while on the path and climbing up the proverbial mountain and all that. Consider this another practice impromptu blog writing scheme for the moment, good or bad or whatever sense of quality or experience this might've been by now. Next post and updates likely to follow up as i return more often again in every two weeks or quicker. I hope you have a good time with our organization and business practices and hope that Wiry succeeds in establishing a TRULY insightful rally point culture, for not only my life but all others who thrive off of its dream.
P. S. I can specialize but generalism is a fun way i prefer to live, whichever one of those pathways is over or under rated at this rate heh