A Q U A T I C ~ G A L E S | Ltd. | Tony Cashman

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*MAJOR ORGANIZATION UPDATE* New Mighty Wiry Operations Model!

(Intuition Journal returns, but with a new focal lens as to how I’m planning to run M.W. in the near future. with an organization model based around my own life and pivoting away from the female philosophy initial intentions for the nonprofit, I will explain how this changes everything as far as how Mighty will coordinate mission efforts and foundation)

Welcome to the biweekly update for the Wiry blog: Intuition Journal. I’ve had time to rethink some of the plans for the nonprofit organization, and while pivoting the mission intentions may seem alarming to some, I have no better time than this early on to make mistakes and readjust to the market accordingly in order to grow or survive this environment.

First things first, Mighty Wiry will change its “broad niche” from FEMALE PHILOSOPHY to a ONE-PERSON BUSINESS MODEL. it will be implemented such that M.W. can continue to operate as a tax-exempt, unincorporated nonprofit association/organization, but not to dismiss that a huge part of what made this come into being is the brand reflected through the core founder: Anthony Cashman.

The self-brand in this change will be arranged through the founder’s experiences and perspectives in general, which filters out into solutions and innovations including but not limited to:

  • Goals: to become unique, to achieve an invigorating style, to prove that life can always have room for beautiful complexion & to sincerely interconnect newer ideas

  • Brand: people will be able to be at home with their own perspectives, knowing that whatever they choose to do isn’t the only thing they can ever do. Chaotic liberation is key.

  • Problems: communication barrier, lack of action orientation, fear of criticism, unfocused priorities, slow paced sense of maintenance.

  • Content: they will be stuck on the severity of their unique issues related to the intensity and traumas associated with complex living searches and real-world adaptation.

  • Systems: learned that doing the same things as others doesn’t make you their equivalent, meaning that you have more legroom to decide what your own path means than the majority of the world will confess.

  • Product: by habitually reframing their perspective to continue trusting that what oddly specific nature and being of the world they want exists instead of using a failure mindset to surrender to conformity.

  • Benefits: I became emotionally independent from social needs, I had less of an ego battle with depressing restraints in seeing other’s pitfalls during their useful strategies, and I manifested my reality through the power of thought patterns that are not easy to adapt.

  • Marketing: because it is not a common expected theme of a given person to be unturned by the very things that should have made living life enough if not pleasant, in favor of uncomfortable changes that were actually desired heavily by anyone wishing to make them.

The first thing that I want to clarify is that we can still ensue female philosophy as an approach even as we pivot the organization model away from a niche centric business plan. Just because that was the focal point of a majority of the prior model doesn’t mean I will forfeit that entirely, just that it has to be more approachable for my own experiences unto the fellow clients and therefore any abstract philosophy I possess can help them get there.

Secondly, the rest of the dot org site will transition to reflect these changes fairly soon after, but nothing should be too dramatically critical as the current model offers flexibility into that state (i.e., “Mighty Wiry” doesn’t imply “female philosophy” DIRECTLY if you will).

Finally, I realize that a one-person business model ensues conflictions with enabling M.W. as a nonprofit organization, because I cannot make this only about me if I want to render Mighty tax-exempt and pushing charitable efforts alongside the solutions. In the due event that Mighty Wiry fails to maintain a nonprofit org status, I will keep you posted on the likely suggested repivoting of Mighty Wiry as a SMALL ONLINE BUSINESS.

This is all I had to feature for the moment as Mighty Wiry’s stance as a girl’s and women’s belief system rally point comes to a certain close in favor of its new mission statements, but not forever. Thanks so much for reading these updates, and I hope to see you when the reflected changes take haul and rise into a new age for Mighty Wiry.

See you in the final Fall 2022 video D for the frontpage, prior to setting up a videos page! We will be posting again soon in two more weeks, so keep Mighty Wiry in your bookmarks if you can manage it! Some changes to reflect the new model will rise in the coming few days if not weeks and months, so please be patient if some features are unavailable at any given moment. Other than that, I wish you all well, and remember that we are revealing the invigorating styles for the ambitious!